Thursday, November 12, 2009


Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Time for all of us to take stock of our lives and think about things that we are "Thankful for". If you are on Facebook you will see lots of posts daily from people telling you what they are thankful for.

I think that is a great idea. Take a moment to stop and think about the positive things in your life. We should all take a few minutes of quiet time everyday to think about things that make us happy or grateful.

For me it's a little different. Years ago I read in a book that suggested you think of three things that you are grateful for every night before you go to sleep. What a difference it makes in how you sleep and how you wake up the next morning.

Don't get frustrated with yourself if you can't think of three things every night. Some people find this harder than others. We are all so programed to find only the negative things in our day, that we forget to stop and think about the positive things.

So give it a try. Tonight before you drift off to dreamland, think about three things that you are thankful for.